All Plugins

Shows all plugins regardless of their category

Activity Cloudogu GmbH
Shows the latest activity from your repositories

Archive Cloudogu GmbH
Create a zip archive of a repository revision

Author Mapping Cloudogu GmbH
Lookup and transform usernames to the real names stored in the scm-manager user database or in a mapping table

Branch Write Protection Cloudogu GmbH
Adds branch write protection for repositories

Logo of Central Authentication Service

Central Authentication Service Cloudogu GmbH
Authentication for SCM-Manager using CAS

Logo of CES Integration

CES Integration Cloudogu GmbH
Offers integration into the Cloudogu Ecosystem

Logo of Cockpit

Cockpit Cloudogu GmbH
Offers a subset of the SCM-Manager v1 REST API for the use of Cloudogu Ecosystem Cockpit

CodeEditor Cloudogu GmbH
Provides a dedicated code editor component to be used by other plugins

Commit Message Checker Cloudogu GmbH
Validates commit message on each commit for pattern or format

Content Search Cloudogu GmbH
Enable search for content

Continuous integration Cloudogu GmbH
Accepts analysis status and displays it

Custom Links Cloudogu GmbH
Adds custom links to your SCM-Manager instance

Direct Filelink Cloudogu GmbH
Creates a direct link to the latest version of a file

Editor Cloudogu GmbH
Create, edit and delete files inside SCM-Manager

Expression Language Cloudogu GmbH
Expression language support for SCM-Manager plugins

External File Links Cloudogu GmbH
Manage links to files in SCM-Manager which are stored externally

File Lock Cloudogu GmbH
Creates file locks to prevent write access

Gotenberg Plugin Cloudogu GmbH
Display office documents in the source code viewer of SCM-Manager

Gravatar Cloudogu GmbH
Gravatar icons for SCM-Manager

Group Manager Cloudogu GmbH
Adds the possibility to define group managers who can manage group members

History Download Cloudogu GmbH
A shortcut to download versions of the same file

htpasswd Guillermo Grandes
Authentication for SCM-Manager 2.x using htpasswd

Issue Tracker Cloudogu GmbH
Helper classes for issuetracker plugins

Logo of Jenkins

Jenkins Cloudogu GmbH
Pings your Jenkins CI server when a new commit is pushed to SCM-Manager

Logo of Jira

Jira Cloudogu GmbH
Integrates Atlassian JIRA to SCM-Manager

JSON Metrics Cloudogu GmbH
Provides metrics as JSON

Landing Page Cloudogu GmbH
Adds a landing page with tasks, events and data like favorite repositories

LDAP Thorsten Ludewig
Authentication for SCM-Manager using LDAP

Mail Cloudogu GmbH
Provides an api for sending e-mails and can be used by other plugins

Manage Folder Cloudogu GmbH
Manage folders through the web interface

Logo of Markdown PlantUML

Markdown PlantUML Cloudogu GmbH
Enables plant uml rendering in markdown files

Notify Cloudogu GmbH
Sends email notifications to a list of subscribed addresses whenever a repo has changes

OpenAPI Cloudogu GmbH
OpenAPI Spec and Swagger UI for SCM-Manager

Path Write Protection Cloudogu GmbH
Adds path write protection for repositories

Logo of Prometheus Metrics

Prometheus Metrics Cloudogu GmbH
Provides metrics to Prometheus

Push Event Cloudogu GmbH
Whenever a push event occours, this Plugin sends meta information about the push (modified files, commit messages, touched branches etc.) to a REST endpoint.

Pushlog Cloudogu GmbH
Tracks who pushed what to a repository

Readme Cloudogu GmbH
Shows the Readme Content of a repository

Logo of Redmine

Redmine Marvin Froeder
Redmine/EasyRedmine integration

Repository Avatar Cloudogu GmbH
Enables different types of custom repository avatars

Repository Mirror Plugin Cloudogu GmbH
Mirror external repositories into SCM-Manager

Repository Template Cloudogu GmbH
Enable creators of repositories to choose a template repository upon initialization

Rest Cloudogu GmbH
Offers a subset of the SCM-Manager v1 REST API

Review Cloudogu GmbH
Depict a review process with pull requests

Script Cloudogu GmbH
Script support for scm-manager

Logo of Secure Code Warrior

Secure Code Warrior Cloudogu GmbH
Secure Code Warrior support

Logo of Smeagol Integration

Smeagol Integration Cloudogu GmbH
Adds specialized endpoints used by Smeagol

SSH Cloudogu GmbH
SSH support for SCM-Manager

SSL Context Cloudogu GmbH
Administration for SSL Context

Statistic Cloudogu GmbH
Build statistics for every repository

Support Cloudogu GmbH
Collects information for support cases

Tag Protection Oliver Milke
Enables configurable protection against removal of tags for repositories in SCM-Manager

Teamscale Cloudogu GmbH
Integrates Teamscale into SCM-Manager

Trace Monitor Cloudogu GmbH
Traces outgoing requests from SCM-Manager

Webhook Cloudogu GmbH
Notifies a remote webserver whenever a repository is pushed to